Friday, 18 June 2010
"...The most powerful way to develop creativity in your students is to be a role model. Children develop creativity not when you tell them to, but when you show them...."
Friday, 18 June 2010
"...The most powerful way to develop creativity in your students is to be a role model. Children develop creativity not when you tell them to, but when you show them...."
Friday, 18 June 2010
Class Reflection
"Creativity is like a cat chasing its tail"
cited from :
Creative is not just sit and thinking. We need do something different or solving problems in creative way. Some time, we need to just look at something familiar in a new and different way. So being creative is hard.
Before lecturer ending the class. He show three TED video speech about something they did. First and second video really interest me, but the final video make me sleepy because to much talk. "..ZzZzZ.." (>-<)
~ Fin ~
Friday, 11 June 2010
Firstly, when i have heard this course creative studies, I thought it maybe just teach us how to create something creative. But when I entered the classroom, it not like what I am thinking. So many talk and honestly, it make me sleepy. "ZzZzZz...." (>"<)
When start about creative thinking, it make me thinking that before we do something, we must think first. "Oh...that is right." I started interest about this topic.
I got different between creativity and creative.
"Creative is The ability to create. Imaginative, innovative, artistic. Characterized by being original or new."
"Creativity is the process of being creative. A series of actions which create new ideas, thoughts and physical objects"
-----cited from
I believe anyone can be creative, but maybe they do not know how to use it. Some people need advice and support from other people to get idea. What can I say now? I am lucky to be one of this class.(",)
~ FiN ~
Look at things at different way
"....In my opinion, creativity is more than just idea.
It makes us think different and think out of the box.
Watch this video and see what can creativity do...."
-----cited from youtube :