Creative Multimedia


The first thing comes in our mind when it comes to creative multimedia is Faculty of Creative Multimedia. We try to figure out the meaning of creative multimedia and we decided that it was actually two different words that have its own meaning. The term of creative is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. And multimedia is a transmission that combines media of communication such as text, graphics, audio, animation and video. From the term itself, we come up with five elements represent creative multimedia which is design, social media, tools, innovation and art. Those elements involve many factors that makes it powerful tool in delivering information especially art in creative multimedia.

Art history spans the entire history of humankind, from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century. In modern times, art history has emerged as a discipline that specializes in teaching people how to evaluate and interpret works of art based on their own perspective. Art history has frequently been criticized for its subjectivity because the definition of what is beautiful varies from individual to individual. Learning to evaluate what we see by building on the art forms we already know can develop our aesthetic understanding.

The main purpose of art is the expression of boundless ideas and concepts. Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects the senses, emotions, and/or intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. There are so many types of art and also various medium are used to make art. The media used often influences the form and it is different for various artists.

In creative multimedia, artist often use digital as a medium. They have many levels of artist such as amateur, beginner and professional. Amateur and beginner artist usually among students, freelance and newbie in the industry. There are also professional freelancers. But for professional’s artist, they usually hired in a well-known or big company and make lot of money from it and because of that their work obviously high risk with extra tension.

There are many places where we can find art. For education, there are a lot of university and college that offers art or art-related courses such as One Academy, Multimedia University and Lim Kok Wing University. There are also galleries about art in
Malaysia located in KLCC, Central Market and Shah Alam. Nowadays, people often use internet to promote and shows their artwork to everyone.

Art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich. Imagine, just for a minute, a world without art. Art is our everyday lives that we may hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table right this minute. Someone designed that. It is art. All functional design, well done, is art. So, art is something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing to our eyes. On the other hand, art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to riot, with a whole gamut of emotions in between. Art develops our brain to be creative.


General Mindmap

Focus Mindmap

Situation: Art Develops Our Brain To Be Creative

Random word: Brain

Characteristic: The mind maps.

Sketches and Research:

These are the sketch process. It is based on the mind maps we have done.


Idea Development: Combination the ideas

Here are the pictures that we choose to combine.

There... The reason that we choose the cube is that the cube itself are a sculpture which describe the art. Furthermore, the rubic cube are a complex stuff and to solve the puzzle, we have to use our brain. With just solving the puzzle, we can be more creative due to many solutions.


The Final Concept:

This are the final concept we have done.

Final Output in 4D Form


Group Member:
(click name to view other blog)
Muhammad Aizat bin Malahi
Fazreen bin Mohd Fadrillah
Abdullah Abbas bin Fuad
Aizuddin bin Zakariya
Zulfadhli bin Zulkafli

Random word / image association II

Friday, 06 Aug 2010
Class Exercise,

- Create an image of a cat To create “SCARY IMAGES or OBJECT” that will instill fear among people through out the ages.

Random word


- People usually scared in darkness. Claws and teeth are sharp and it is dangerous.

Darkness can make people scare to death because people will worry something happen if we can't see anything. Some time people scare when black cat come in place have death.

~ Black Cat ~

~ Fin ~

Random word / image association I

Friday, 06 Aug 2010
Class Reflection,

This week lecture is pretty fun.
We have to create a few of image based on cigarette about how to make a people stop smoking in 6 months time.

Random Words- Traffic Light

From this picture, we can get 4 word to make association.


1) Color : Use colors to indicate danger.

2) Metal : Make it tough to smoke

3) Dirty : Create a “Yucky” effect to the cigarette

4) Sign : Create a weird and scary sign

~ Fin ~

Juxtaposition II (Matching Words and Images)

Friday, 30 July 2010
Class Exercise

First, we were given 2 series of words which paired with a number in front of them.

Step Exercise.

Step 1 : Thinks 3 pairs of number between 00-99.
- i choose 65, 9o, and 78.

Step 2 : Match the words according to the numbers.
- Duck + Foot
- Leave + Head
- Dog + Wood

Step 3 : Make a sentence for each pair of the words.
- duck walk on the ground with it's foot.
- The leave fall on my head.
- Dog will get the wood stick when it owner throw away

Step 4 : Draw a picture to describe the sentences.

"Duck + Foot"

"Leave + Head"

"Dog + Wood"

~ Fin ~

Juxtaposition II (Poem)

Friday, 30 july 2010

This week, the class was asked to relate pictures into words. And the best way to do that is through poem writing. These are few samples of mine.


"...Love is hot,
it makes the face turn red,
it makes the body warm,
Love make your life red..."


"...pain is a heart,
when it is hurt it will thin
appreciate those around you
lets change pain to joy..."


" is a light,
it will be dark when the day has come,
use the knowledge to guild life,
to bring supply in the long journey life..."


"...happiness is the time
will come and go,
elapsed time will not be back,
just remember happy memories..."


"...women like the rice crust,
it is soft when wet,
into pairs such as Mortar & Pestle
There will be no "Belacan", if only mortar..."

~ Fin ~


Friday, 16 July 2010

In this week, we have learned about juxtaposition. In my personal reflection. Juxtaposition is placing two variable side by side in order to get comparison. Usually turning something familiar to something not so familiar or vice-versa. Juxtaposition(literary), with contrast, two objects or texts oppose each other. Contrast is a relationship between two discourse segments. Example: It's raining, but I am not taking an umbrella.

Juxtaposition also can apply in emotion, abstract concepts or character. In the Movie 'Lost' season 1 was used in the lecturer for juxtaposition. For example: Chaos/Calm, East/West and so on.

~ Fin ~

Mortar & Pestle

Friday, 9 July 2010

This week lecturer provide us mortar & pestle. Then choose keywords from the mind map that he given on slide to link to mortar & pestle. The mortar & pestle must use it in what keywords we choose.

The keywords that I'd chosen are exercise and school.

1. Exercise - just tie the mortar and pestle on both foot, than ready to jogging.

2. School - each students must bring their own mortar and pestle to school, teachers will give ink and color for there write or sketch on paper.

~ Fin ~

About Me

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i am what i is my path..graduated Diploma IT Multimedia, SIIUC 2009, now taking Degree Multimedia (Media Innovation) at MMU Cyberjaya. Currently living in Kampung Pandan. ~ ♥

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